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Lien(s) unveils an abstract and organic universe, where the principle of the cycle is metamorphosed into a sensory and corporal experience.

All audiences

45 minutes

5 dancers



Ismaël Mouaraki composes a space with variable geometry, linear and visual, which gives life to the singularity of each one, a luminescent huis clos where everything asserts itself and is illustrated by the links between the bodies. Sublimated by a digital scenography, Lien(s) opens new choreographic horizons, a neon trance with fluid and magnetic textures.

From this space of daring exploration, Lien(s) is carried by the physical identities and personal sensitivities of the five performers who clash and transpose from body to body. The abstraction of the space emancipates the movement to put forward the identities, in turn vulnerable, confronting and confronted, intriguing and tortured, public and modest, opaque and luminous.

Through a game of choreographic contacts, Lien(s) draws a social and cultural portrait of our contemporary times. It is an incursion into universes that are both very personal and very typical, where being and appearing overlap and make us perceive the multiple possibilities of bodies. Everything is articulated around the perception of oneself and the other.




Ismaël Mouaraki in collaboration with the performers in creation 


Joe Danny Aurélien, Audrey Bergeron, Felix Cossette, José Flores, Geneviève Gagné

Interpretation in creation

Joe Danny Aurélien, Geneviève Boulet, Jossua Collin, Felix Cossette, Geneviève Gagné

Direction of rehearsals and artistic advice

Annie Gagnon


Marilene Bastien

Musical design

Antoine Berthiaume

Lighting design

Paul Chambers

Lighting control

Olivier Chopinet

Costume design

Angela Rassenti

Crossroads production; Coproduction LeGueulard Plus (France)


The Foutoir


Agora de la danse, Georges Vanier Cultural Center, Maison de la culture Mercier, Le Triangle, Maison de la culture Frontenac

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